A. Missine
In 2015 I bought a foal at the FDE international auction. So you have no idea who you end up with as owners/breeders of the foal, but I have to admit that at Anouch Danneels Sporthorses I was very lucky. Regularly they did sent pictures and kept me informed how it went with the foal that I had bought. If I wanted to come over to see him, this was not a problem either and you were welcomed with open arms. When delivering the foal, they asked themselves to see which stable and pasture he would get and gave me some tips to prevent accidents and to make the infrastructure safe for a foal. Since this was my 1st foal, these tips were more than welcome. What was also very noticeable despite the fact that the foal had already been sold at the auction that they still put a lot of time and energy into my foal. He could walk nicely to the halter, knew the shower already, was not shy and in control. You immediately notice that Anouch Danneels has a heart for horses and that the welfare of their horses is very important. I would therefore definitely recommend Anouch Danneels Sporthorses.

Anouch Danneels Sporthorses
A. Missine
